23 and The Targets

I would be a beautiful young lady in 23...
i would get my bachelor degree in 23...
i would be a millionaire in 23...
i would be an entrepreneur in 23...
i would get married in 23...
i would get scholarship to study abroad in 23...
and i would ... more and more... in 23...
If Allah gave me chances.

So many wishlist i made when i was younger. All my targets are on 23, because i though i would be mature enough to choose my life to be. I though everything will go well. But the reality is "i am 23 and most of my targets are not being reached". I had zero expectation on so many challenges toward my future life. So that, preparing about plan B is a must.

Re-arrange the target, make new schedule, and keep istiqomah.

When the reality is not like what you expected, it doesn't mean you fail. You were success in other side. The real failure is when you think you're failed.
Don't regret, don't regret, don't regret.

I am 23...

i am strong and still struggling...

Dear Sabah, I miss you....

Kinabalu Mountain
It has been a year and 2 months leave from the most memorable place i ever visited and stayed, Sabah. That was the first time i went abroad, i was 21yo and never traveled overseas before although it's very near from Indonesia (oh, what a pity), i didn't know everything about this country. I just googled and asked my friend that worked there for my preparation. Remember the first step it took after flight in Kota Kinabalu International Airport. One thing that i knew for sure i applied and would work in a construction company for a project named Sabah Ammonia Urea Project.

How my life run in last 12 months

It is almost a year i lost my way to write in this blog, and today i come after a year being a half student and half employee. hehe
I start my life in Jakarta as an ancient in the middle of crazy city, with no family, no friend, and no job (and the last part is the worst). That time i didn't know what would i do to get a job, until i made friend with Jobstreet.com, jobsdb.com, and of course ojek online (such as Uber, Gojek and Grab. Thanks God for created the creator of them). I can't remember how many times i applied the jobs, maybe it is around 500 times until i hired by my company i am working now.